Talk Tuesday's: Don't Get Caught Up

So, recently I read a news article about an established fashion blogger who was arrested for running a credit card scam ring. She was reportedly arrested for stealing someone’s identity and purchasing various luxury items. She is definitely presumed innocent until proven guilty and I truly hope this isn't true. I will not name any names because that’s not the purpose of this post. Reading the article and processing it all was a little disheartening, as this entire ordeal bought to the forefront how people can get so caught up in the social media hype and lose themselves....and for what?! Likes?! Followers?! Compliments from mere strangers?  Now don't get me wrong as a blogger myself, I understand the need to keep your audience growing and engaged by providing valuable content. However, it’s so imperative to remember your WHY. This isn't just applicable in the blogging world but in anything you do in life...why are you doing what you do? What's your purpose and motivation behind it all?

Style & Poise:
Style & Poise:

There are no short cuts in life and typically when you take short cuts the results are short-lived. Hard work truly does pay off. In the words of Nene Leakes, "You don't win when you play dirty." This quote is so true. Nothing good comes from cheating your way to the top, it takes dedication and determination. If it is meant for you, it will be. Please never allow people's highlight reels on social media to make you feel like you're failing in life or need to keep up with the "joneses". You truly never know what some people have done to get what they have and what they're doing to maintain it. Live according to your standards, goals, and dreams and don't compare someone else's blessings to your blessings.

Style & Poise:

Social media is very much smoke and mirror's. Very few people show you the blood, sweat, and tears or the many failures they've experienced along the way. Be grateful for what you have and try not to compare your life to other's. Do You, Be You, and Live Life to Capacity. Focus on your why to keep you grounded, centered, and motivated.

Style & Poise: Yellow Jacket
Style & Poise:

ensemble deets:

Coat-C/o Shein, T-shirt-Asos, Denim-Asos, Purse-Ebay, Sunnies-ZeroUV, Boots-Asos

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