How to Conquer Insecurities

So...let's have a little woman talk, after all we are all friends around these parts and this is a space meant for sharing, caring, embracing, uplifting, and loving! With that I want to chat about the inevitable...Insecurities!  I don't care who you are, we ALL have them. However, I've learned with maturity to truly accept the way God has made me because we are all beautifully and wonderfully made. Whatever I am unhappy with that I can change, I do my best to work on that. Most importantly, I try not to beat myself up too bad over my insecurities/imperfections, although some days it is more of a struggle than others. Case and point, this particular blog shoot...I may or may not have thought to myself while looking at these pics initially; "Gosh, my arms are so chunky", "OMG, why do my knees look like they have faces?", "Look at my arm pit fat".  Listen...this is as real as it gets folks. Some days I have to give myself a pep talk to reel me back in. Majority of the time the things we are obsessing over other people don't even notice and even if they do..SO WHAT! My value and your value should never be predicated on someone else's opinion or views of you whether it's favorable or unfavorable. Be your own kind of beautiful ALWAYS! You know my motto, "BE YOU, DO YOU and LIVE LIFE TO CAPACITY". It's not something cliche' that I choose to say, I genuinely mean that! Rock out to your own beat, regardless of who vibes with it. Treat yourself good, the world is tough enough on us already. Learn to love all of you.  :-) 

Style & Poise: Neon Floral Dress, Pink Pigalle Follies, and Pink mini purse
Pink pigalle follies, pink mini satchel purse


I absolutely had to play up the femininity of this dress by adding pops of pink. You know how I feel.."When in doubt, pink it out!" Now that the warmer weather is here, I can't get enough of these pink loubs that the hubby gifted me for my birthday (back in December). They truly are becoming one of my faves!

Style & Poise: Neon Florals
Style & Poise: Neon Floral Skater Dress

The Dress:

This dress has been sitting in my closet for two years with the tags, unworn. I love the silhouette, the colors, the print but I was always a little apprehensive about the length especially from behind (big booty problems). I typically keep things modest and I'm always nervous about having a Marilyn Monroe moment with garments that come above my knee. However, I braved the winds and took this little dress for a whirl.

Pink Christian Louboutin Follies, Pink Mini Satchel, neon floral skater dress

ensemble deets:

Dress(Asos), Purse(Asos), Shoes(Christian Louboutin Pigalle Follies)

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